1. Parties cooperation of the present Agreement aims at the promoting, popularising, demand increasing of the products with the Siberian Wellness trademark, and volume increasing of its sales within the country of Consultant's residence.
2. The cooperation with Siberian Wellness guarantees Consultant the following:
- sale of the proper quality products;
- an opportunity to participate in informational and training events of Siberian Health;
- an opportunity to obtain information about the Siberian Wellness products, current promotions, bonuses, Compensation Plan, etc.
- a timely processing of the trade and financial transactions, including the recording of purchases made by a Consultant;
- a timely bonuses charge to a Consultant;
- a timely commissions payment to a Consultant with the status of an individual entrepreneur.
3. A Siberian Wellness Consultant can:
- purchase Siberian Wellness products, and receive bonuses upon purchasing the products;
- recommend Siberian Wellness products to others and receive bonuses for their purchases;
- inform other people about assortment, methods and results of Company products implementation;
- recommend other people to become a Privileged Client or a Consultant of Siberian Wellness.
4. A Siberian Wellness Consultant with the status of an entrepreneur has additional opportunities to create sales structure, acquiring commission in accordance with the Compensation Plan of Siberian Wellness.
5. The terms of Consultant's cooperation with Siberian Wellness:
- Upon signing this Agreement, a Consultant confirms that he/she is legally capable to conclude this Agreement.
- a Consultant undertakes to follow Standards and Statement of Policies and Procedures of Siberian Wellness - the Ethics Code and Rules of cooperation with Siberian Wellness.
- upon the registration of signed Agreement with Siberian Wellness, a Consultant becomes an independent member of Siberian Health.
- a Consultant is not considered as an employee of Siberian Wellness as well as its agent, principal, commission agent, legal, or sales representative.
- a Siberian Wellness Consultant in the Rank of Senior Consultant, ought to be registered as an entrepreneur in accordance with the legislation of the country, where he/she runs entrepreneurial activity.
- a Consultant bears full responsibility for legislation observation (laws and regulations) within the countries of his/her residence and where he/she conducts business, including the timeliness and completeness of taxes paid, legal entrepreneurial activity operating
- a Consultant is entitled to inform other people about Siberian Wellness products and business, using printed products of Siberian Wellness, which are marked as printed matter designed in particular for the country where a Consultant conducts its business.
- a Consultant is not allowed to use trademarks, trade names, logos, brand names, emblems and other intellectual property of Siberian Wellness without the prior written consent of the Company.
- Siberian Health does not pay bonuses and commissions to a Consultant only for the fact of concluding an Agreement with a person enroled under him/her recommendation, if such a person will not purchase the Company's products, recommend it to other people, bring in them to the cooperation with the Company.
- a Consultant is entitled to inform other people about Siberian Wellness products and business, using printed products of Siberian Wellness, which are marked as printed matter designed in particular for the country where a Consultant conducts its business.
- a Consultant is not allowed to use trademarks, trade names, logos, brand names, emblems and other intellectual property of Siberian Wellness without the prior written consent of the Company.
- Siberian Health does not pay bonuses and commissions to a Consultant only for the fact of concluding an Agreement with a person enroled under him/her recommendation, if such a person will not purchase the Company's products, recommend it to other people, bring in them to the cooperation with the Company.
To get bonuses and commissions, it is necessary that people, joined the Company under Consultant's recommendation, enter into an Agreement with Siberian Health, purchase the Siberian Wellness products, and recommend it to other people. Siberian Wellness does not provide bonuses and does not pay the commissions to a Consultant for provided personal data of other people (name, phone number, home address, e-mail address).
- A Consultant is not allowed to make claims, statements regarding the therapeutic, healing properties of the Siberian Wellness products and the received income from the cooperation with Siberian Wellness, that are not given by the printed Siberian Wellness products, which are marked as printed matter intended for the country of a Consultant's business.
- a Consultant bears full liability to third parties and the bodies of state authority and administration for the resale of Siberian Wellness products, for his/her personal claims, statements regarding the therapeutic, healing properties of Siberian Wellness products and concerning received income from the cooperation with the Siberian Wellness, not given in documents, materials, produced and distributed by Siberian Wellness.
- If a Consultant will purchase low-quality Siberian Wellness products and sells it to another person, he/she has the right to return it to Siberian Wellness within the expiration period of the products, and receive in return the same products of a proper quality. A Consultant is obliged to return a Client the cost of sales of low-quality products.
6. Within the cooperation with Siberian Wellness, a Consultant is not obliged to:
6.1. Purchase any particular amount of Siberian Wellness products. However, the volume of products, personally purchased by a Consultant and/or by persons he/she brought in, impacts his/her Rank in Siberian Wellness.
6.2. Maintain certain commodity stock.
6.3. Purchase any "package" for entering the business, except the Registration package of Siberian Wellness.
6.4. Purchase Literature, audio, video and multimedia products of Siberian Wellness or other materials, as well as to participate in any programmes and events of Siberian Wellness.
6.5. Purchase tickets and/or attend, participate in meetings, seminars, business meetings or other events of Siberian Wellness.
6.6. Bring in a certain number of people for the cooperation with Siberian Wellness.
7. Siberian Wellness reserves the right to change products prices, its points content, set discounts for products, to carry out promotions, to change the products assortment and the conditions of its payment. The Company informs a Consultant about above mentioned changes and current promotions of Siberian Wellness in accordance with the procedure, specified in clause 14 of the Agreement. Also this information can be found in the Company Servicing Centres. Siberian Wellness does not compensate Consultants the losses incurred by the introduction of above-mentioned changes, as well as the products lack within the Company Representative offices and the e-shop.
8. Present Agreement is drawn up in accordance with the Czech Republic legislation.
9. Consultant's Signature in the present Agreement verifies integrity of specified personal data. In the case of detection of Consultant's false or falsified data by Siberian Wellness, the Company has the right to terminate present Agreement unilaterally.
10. Consultant's Signature in the present Agreement means its consent to receive informational and advertising letters from Siberian Wellness to the specified e-mail address.
11. Upon signing present Agreement, a Consultant agrees to specify his/her personal data, to place his/her photo in advertising and informational publications of Siberian Wellness and in the Company website.
12. Consultant's Signature in the present Agreement indicates that he/she is familiarized with the Standards and Statement of Policies and Procedures of Siberian Wellness content (Ethics Code, Rules of cooperation with Siberian Wellness) and undertakes to follow these documents in his/her activity.
13. A Consultant is aware that upon any violation of present Agreement, Standards and Statement of Policies and Procedure of Siberian Wellness (Ethics Code, Rules of cooperation with Siberian Wellness), Siberian Wellness may unilaterally terminate present Agreement.
14. Siberian Wellness has the right to change unilaterally Standards and Statement of Policies and Procedure of Siberian Health (Ethics Code, the Rules of cooperation with the Siberian Wellness), Compensation Plan and other documents of Siberian Wellness. Siberian Wellness publishes information concerning above-mentioned changes in its printed publications, at the website and notifies a Consultant by sending informational letters to e-mail address, specified by a Consultant within the registration in Siberian Wellness.
All changes enter into force upon the date specified in the information, published in the printed source, at the website and in the informational letter sent to a Consultant. If a Consultant changed his/her e-mail address, he/she ought to change his/her e-mail address for messages multicast in BackOffice, in the section "My Profile". Otherwise informational letters sent by Siberian Wellness to the initial e-mail address of a Consultant will be considered as sent to the proper address, and a Consultant shall be deemed aware of any changes.
15. Present Agreement enters into force upon the date of its registration by Siberian Wellness and is valid until its cancellation, termination by mutual agreement or at the initiative of one party. The reasons, procedure and the consequences of cancellation, termination of Agreement are specified in the Rules of cooperation with Siberian Wellness.
16. Present Agreement is drawn up in two copies, which have equal legal force, one copy for each party.
A Consultant and Siberian Wellness are aware that present Agreement is aimed at building the long-term relations and mutually beneficial cooperation. Observation of the Company Standards and Statement of Policies and Procedures and the Agreement terms means the realisation of all possibilities provided by Siberian Wellness!